Coronavirus and Selkie

The good news is that Selkie is almost ready for her first voyage of the season. She might not be looking as smart as I had wanted but that is because the weather has been atrocious and painting the deck when there is no substantial gap between rainshowers is a known...

In awe of Scotland’s birds.

On the train heading home after a Hogmanay abroad I see a standoff between some healthy lowland sheep and a flock of neck-to-attention geese. It reminds me that these birds are in their winter feeding grounds, that in a few months they will be heading north, that we...

Season Feenee

Selkie’s sailing season is over, brought to a dramatic close by the arrival of the first proper Atlantic storm of autumn: a deep weather system whose isobars run rings around a sea area stretching from the Azores to Svalbard.  It just keeps on coming… Monday… Tuesday…...

New Selkie Explorers internship programme

This season I am very excited to be working with Angus (“the Otter”) Jenkins, a recent graduate of the BA (Hons) Marine and Coastal Tourism course at the School of Adventure Studies in Fort William. Angus will be bringing his learning and his passion for the sea to...